Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Accommodation Gone Amok

Earlier this year in the town of Rotherham, England, it was discovered that a group of Pakistani Muslim men was kidnapping and raping young girls.  Babies that resulted from these rapes were taken away and were never seen again.  The police did nothing.  Angry parents who tried to get their children back from these gangs were themselves arrested.  One investigator into the crimes had her office ransacked, her case data stolen, and was told by a colleague to "never refer to that again".

What is wrong with this picture?

Many countries have gone too far with trying to accommodate immigrants.  Police forces and service workers alike are muzzled, activists are arrested, and people are walking on eggshells for fear of doing or saying something that might offend someone - particularly those of the Muslim faith.  YouTuber Pat Condell has said, "It's kind of the irrational cult-like response you would expect from people who've been trained to think and behave this way against their better judgment."

Even in my hometown the debate has raged for a long time.  When a congregation of Hasidic Jews complained that their young men were being "corrupted" by the sight of women using the gym next door, the gym changed its windows.  When a young Sikh man insisted on wearing his ceremonial kirpan dagger to school, the case went to court and it was eventually decided to allow Sikh students to have a kirpan on their person if it was sealed and secured.  This caused a public uproar and some parents withdrew their children from that school in protest.

More and more I find myself agreeing with Mr. Condell.  If you come to our country and practise your religion, that's fine as long as it's within the privacy of your own home or temple/synagogue/mosque/church.  Don't force your beliefs on us, and don't get offended when we insist that you conform to our laws.  If you don't like it, you shouldn't have come here in the first place.  We should not have to bend to your whims.  When in Rome, etc.


  1. Careful, they'll call you a racist.

    1. I'm not worried, Melanie. I've been called delusional, narrow-minded, all kinds of stuff. I don't shy away from controversy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
