Wednesday, 25 September 2019

The Climate of Hatred

By this time everyone knows of a young woman from Sweden named Greta Thunberg who has taken numerous world leaders and politicians to task for not acting on their climate promises.  She and those who have acted before her - Severn Cullis-Suzuki and Xiye Bastida-Patrick among others - have unfortunately received backlash and hatred for their activism.

Too young to know better. Should be in school. Manipulated by those around them. Mentally unstable. Being used as a pawn. Indoctrinated under false pretenses.

It's sickening to me that so many grown adults see fit to attack children because of their own misguided bias or that they feel so threatened.

In one thread under the #HowDareYou Twitter hashtag, one particular tweet caught my attention.  Someone was asking "Where is the evidence?" when presented with statements about climate change.  I responded by linking to over half a dozen articles, including stories about how Pacific islands are disappearing, coral reefs are dying, and warmer oceans are fueling more powerful storms.

One response was a tweet that featured a large yellow banner with the word FAKE in the centre.  Others spewed vitriol about how climate change was all a hoax, lies, and alarmist.

A man whom I've known since high school, from an affluent community and well-educated, has recently decided to enter politics, running as a candidate for the People's Party of Canada.  One of his reasons was because he hates "climate alarmism".  When I asked him to clarify and tell me if he believed in climate change or not, he refused to answer.

Not answering is still an answer.  With regret I had to unfollow him.

If people were to use the energy they put into their hatred for more constructive purposes, the world would certainly be a better place than it is now.  Thanks to certain politicians and prominent people, however, hate has been normalized and it will continue to do damage for a long time to come.

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

The same could be said about caring.  More people need to care about the world and educate themselves instead of hating what they don't or won't understand.

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