Sunday, 15 December 2019

The Politics of Confusion

Just a short one today. This was a comment by a Facebook friend on a political post titled "Trump Impeachment is Based on Law, Not Politics."  Said comment was made in response to an opinion that liberals were to blame for a perceived war on Christmas. Parentheses are mine.


To all these uninformed nimrods:

A. Christmas is NOT Christ’s birthday. There is ZERO proof that he was born in December (many Bible scholars have suggested a birth date in September). The only reason Christians made it that way is because they wanted to include (or co-opt) Pagan winter celebrations so they would blend into Christianity.

B. This country was founded on and built by immigrants. Want a REAL non immigrant nation? Then most of us would have to go back to Europe on the boats that brought our ancestors here so Native Americans could have their country back.

C. "Happy Holidays" has been used for DECADES; there are Christmas songs that use it. Happy Holidays is an inclusive term for all December celebrations. What kind of ego do you need to have to be so narrow minded?

D. There are immigrants who have fought and died for our flag; have you? I could go on for hours, but people who are so closed minded wouldn’t listen anyway.

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