The following was written by Kristen Ann, a nurse in on the front lines in Pennsylvania.
"I've been trying to keep my mouth shut recently regarding anything to do with Covid and staying at home. However, after the weekend I just had, I can't. I am PISSED OFF.
People are out PROTESTING the stay at home order. PROTESTING! I wish every protestor could step into my shoes for one shift. Just one. And I believe you would change your mind on protesting and you would be THANKFUL you're able to stay home and be safe with your loved ones.
I worked at my per diem job Saturday and Sunday night. The hospital is Covid central with more Covid+ patients then not. We wear Tyvex suits for our entire 12 hour shift. When we come out of a patient's room, our "Covid buddy" wipes us down with bleach. We wear N95 masks and face shields for our entire 12 hour shift. I did not pee or eat during my entire shift Saturday night. I watched a 52 year old stable patient decompensate and code within an hour's time and I tried unsuccessfully to revive him. He died alone in his hospital room.
Sunday night, our staffing was terrible. I was on a unit with 12 patients and only 1 other nurse. It took me three and a half hours to complete a typical 1 hour med pass because I had 6 patients who were all Covid+ and 4 of which do not just swallow pills like you and I do. I was sweaty, hungry, tired and felt defeated because I felt like I couldn't adequately care for my patients.
So, if you want to protest and you don't believe this pandemic is real, please sign a DNR and do not seek medical care if and when you get sick. Because by not following the stay at home order, you are basically saying 'f*** you' to all healthcare workers. And I want so badly for my response back to be f*** you, too. But rest assured, when you show up at the hospital unable to breathe, I will care for you because that is my job and I will do anything in my power to make sure my patients are okay."
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